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Latest Project

Eat-dentify 🍽️

GAI-based Application 🤖

Eat-dentify is an innovative app that leverages AI to provide a personalized dining experience tailored to your preferences. By integrating various AI models, Google API, an SQL database system, and web scraping techniques, this application delivers a powerful and unparalleled dining experience.

My Role in this project 🙋🏻‍♀️

My role involves fully developing the FoodBot and Food Guide tabs, designing our demo site and introduction, and debugging any issues my teammates encounter. FoodBot is a powerful AI model capable of performing image analysis tasks, while the Food Guide utilizes web scraping techniques.


This page showcases my personal projects, all of which are related to the field of computer science.

Car Plate Detection

Image processing

This project focuses on image processing, utilizing a modified Haar model and OCR for detection. It includes basic image processing concepts using Pillow and OpenCV. The training set features Taiwanese car plates, aiming to detect them accurately.


Movie Recommendation System

Artificial Intelligence

This is a simple implementation of a movie recommendation system using collaborative filtering. It employs text vectorization to recommend the top five relevant movies based on user search.


Spam Classifier

Text Processing

This project detects spam messages and emails using text processing techniques. It employs Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to examine the characteristics of spam messages and tests different models for prediction, including stacking and voting classifiers.


Job Filtering

Web Scraping

This project aims to teach web scraping techniques to gather necessary information. It filters job listings based on selected skills and automatically updates every 10 minutes.


Holzern Store

Web Application

This project manages a furniture business store, including product and gallery management. The application is currently in the process of continuous improvement.

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